You don't even need to know how to golf, tournament organizers said, adding that players are only allowed to use irons.
Blind draw teams play nine holes of golf in a cow pasture. A 10 a.m. shotgun start is scheduled.
There is a set fee per player and includes the barbecue ribs lunch after the tournament. The cost is reduced for those who only want to eat lunch.
Funds raised go toward the Antelope Valley Lions Club Scholarship Fund that benefits Coleville High graduates in memory of Jackie Georgi, a longtime teacher, administrator and coach at the school.
Call Dave Murray at 530-495-2822, Mike Katusich at 530-721-5536 or Clint Hershey at 530-495-2935 for more information.
Lions Club Cow Pasture Golf Tournament
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- Recurring on the 1st Saturday of April